
VisualChina’s Fraudulent Claims for CompensationByWangXiuxian&
2023-11-17 12:49:29

Copyright Law

Visual China’s Fraudulent Claims for Compensation 

By Wang Xiuxian and Li Zhe

The recent incident in which Visual China took photographer Dai Jianfeng's own work and sued Dai Jianfeng for copyright infringement has once again put Visual China in the limelight. It's been just four years since 2019, when Visual China labeled photos of black holes and national flags and emblems as "copyrighted by Visual China". The same thing again, it's hard to say it's a temporary "management problem" as well. In 2019, I had handled a case in which a client was sued for copyright infringement by a photo website, which was not Visual China. In the process of dealing with this case, I searched and queried a large number of public cases, in the process of organizing, a huge bug found in the judicial proceedings of such cases.........................More

 Biological Security Law

How to Understand Unclear Provisions in Detailed Rules on Implementation of Human Genetic Resource Management Regulations (Part II)                            

By Wang Qian

The Ministry of Science and Technology brought into action on July 1st 2023 the Detailed Rules on Implementation of Human Genetic Resource Management Regulations in order to fully implement the Biological Security Law, Human Genetic Resource Regulations and other laws.

This article is intended to deal with two unclear clauses that are important to the compliance work of pharmaceutical organizations. One is Article 12 in which the meaning of the word “great influence” used to define the actual control of the foreign side is not clear and the other is Article 37 in which the investigation scope of the human genetic resource and information security is not clear....................More


 New Laws, Rules and Regulations

1. Provisions on Evidence in Civil Litigation on Ecological Environmental Infringment/ SPC

2. Interpretation of Several Issues Concerning Law Application to Trial of Disputes over Liability for Ecological and Environmental /SPC

3. Regulation for Independent Directors of Listed Companies/CSRC

4. Guiding Opinions on Strengthening and Standardizing the Work of Subordinating Jurisdiction of Cases and Submitting Cases for Retrial /SPC